Climate and Social Action Activities scheduled for 21 October – 1 November

Posted on: 19 September, 2024

UCEM will be holding its latest Climate and Social Action (CASA) event from 21 October – 1 November, giving staff, students and alumni the chance to engage with a series of sustainability-themed events at the institution.

This CASA event is the fourth that UCEM have hosted, and follows April’s instalment, which included a Student Officer-led sustainability Q&A that featured UCEM Vice Chancellor Ashley Wheaton, alongside several members of staff.

October’s schedule includes the return of activities like How Bad are Bananas and the Escape Room, along with a Social Action Panel and an interactive Journey to Net Zero session.

The full schedule for the upcoming CASA activities can be found below:

Week 1: 21-25 October

Date Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday 25
Activities How bad are bananas: BE special


Are British Homes Ready for Climate Change? 11am-11.30am UCEM Escape Room (session 1)


Week 2: 28 October – 1 November

Date Monday 28 Tuesday 29 Wednesday 30 Thursday 31 Friday 1 Nov
Activities Sustainability at UCEM


Journey to Net Zero


Social action panel discussion


Sustainability jargon busting


UCEM Escape Room (session 2)


As Jane E Fawkes, Deputy Vice Chancellor and University Secretary, commented ahead of the event:

“It’s a pleasure once again to see our Climate and Social Action Activities bringing together students, staff and alumni in the name of climate action. Sustainability is at the very core of UCEM’s purpose and strategy, and through initiatives like this, we hope all participants take away an understanding of how our actions as individuals add up to make a significant collective impact.”

If you’re a current student and would like to get involved with sustainability and EDI in addition to CASA, here are some calls to action for you to consider:

If you have any questions about CASA, please email