Student stories: Luke’s building surveyor goal supported by postgraduate scholarship

Posted on: 16 August, 2021

At UCEM, we offer a range of scholarships and bursaries to new and existing students. Last year, we launched our Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme for new students to apply to receive up to 50% off the programme fee through demonstrating outstanding academic ability and a financial need.

Luke Pinkham – a gas systems engineer for Tata Steel in Europe – was one of the first two recipients of the scholarship and, here, in his own words, is his story…

Luke Pinkham

Changing careers

I decided that I would like to pursue a change of direction career-wise and have always had an appreciation of architecture and building design. After reviewing the course content, I decided the MSc in Building Surveying was the right programme to further my career.

Postgraduate scholarship

I felt that the momentum from my recent undergraduate studies paired with my current occupational status made me an ideal candidate for the postgraduate scholarship.

The application process consisted of an application form and an interview; the latter was made more difficult when my laptop turned off mid-interview. The UCEM representatives were extremely helpful throughout the process and were very patient while I resolved my technological issues.

I believe any prospective student who is eligible should apply. I would advise applicants to be honest and open when answering the questions – the system is in place to help identify the students who would most benefit from the scholarship. No one is looking to catch you out.

I am extremely grateful to UCEM for the scholarship.

Studying with UCEM

The studies are even more demanding than I expected, however, I am enjoying learning all the new material and improving my report-writing and presentation skills.

Although I have not studied online before, my undergraduate degree was part-time therefore a large portion of my studying was completed remotely. UCEM modules are designed specifically for online learning, and it has not taken me long to acclimatise to the online teaching methods.

The tutors and support staff are extremely helpful. There is always someone on hand via the forums to deal with queries – I’ve even seen tutors reply at 2am!

There is also a good support network for students via module WhatsApp groups. These have reassured me that others are experiencing similar issues, and are a great addition to the UCEM support network.


My goal is to become a building surveyor/project surveyor and have experience in both commercial and residential settings. I have a passion for sustainable methods of construction and would like to support the public in providing high-calibre homes and work and recreational spaces. A role that combines the two would be ideal for me!

Thanks for sharing your story, Luke, and best of luck with the rest of your studies and your career goals!

If you are a current student who would like to share your story, please email and our team will get back to you.