UCEM’s first use of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)


UCEM’s first use of Moodle


UCEM becomes fully online


To study online

  1. In a world changed beyond belief, studying online is now the most reliable way to learn.
  2. Earn and learn. Online learning is geared to fit around your lifestyle, so whether you study part-time alongside work commitments or full-time with the weighting the other way round, the flexibility of online learning helps you achieve this.
  3. Study wherever you are in the world. Join a worldwide community where you can share your expertise and build your cultural understanding of practice elsewhere in the world.
  4. All you need is an internet connection. You won’t need to find accommodation or worry about commuting to your campus. If you have somewhere you can study and an internet connection, you’ll have everything you need.
  5. Save on your carbon footprint. Studying online is environmentally friendly. No trees are felled for textbooks, no transportation is necessary for you to access your campus. If you are passionate about sustainability, online learning syncs with your principles.



  • As shown on the timeline, we have been teaching online since 2001. This is what has been in place and perfected over many years, with a fully online experience achieved in 2015. The advancements in our online learning continue apace with our large team of experts devoted to ensuring our students have the very best study experience possible.
  • We put the students at the heart of what we do. We have student trustees, student representatives and student ambassadors who provide feedback on how we can improve and ensure we are doing the best we can for our students. Feedback forms are included on every module for any student to offer feedback at any point. This student-focused approach saw us receive an 83% overall satisfaction rate in the National Student Survey (NSS), putting us on a par, and above, many traditional face-to-face universities. Our two-way dialogue with students is essential in us creating the best student experience we can.
  • Our programmes help you fulfil your goals, whether it is gaining an accredited degree on the way to becoming chartered or simply completing a module or two to boost your continuing professional development (CPD).
  • Be supported. Whether you need more pastoral support, careers advice or a bespoke plan in place to help you study more effectively, we have teams here ready to support you. Your peers are also there to help you along the way and we also have a group of alumni mentors who can support you when you begin your studies. You are not alone when you study with us.
  • There has never been a better time to boost your career in the built environment. If you’re ready to take that step, you can do no better than study online with UCEM.

It’s been amazing studying with UCEM. I love the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) as you are clearly signposted and guided through each of the learning weeks. I feel that I get given a lot of direction so never sit down and don’t know what to do next.”

Yehya Hawila
UCEM Chartered Surveyor Apprentice

“Like anything new, it took a little bit of time clicking my way around the VLE [virtual learning environment] to learn where resources were and how it all held together, but it was quick to get used to, and before long the format and style UCEM use became intuitive to me. Each week’s learning outcomes are very helpfully broken down and I like that there is even a guide as how much time I should expect to spend on each resource which is very helpful with keeping me on track.”

Rob Hill
UCEM BSc (Hons) Building Surveying student