UCEM operates to the highest level of transparency and we take pleasure in sharing with you details of our governance, board of trustees, meeting minutes, reports and policies below.

Royal Charter and Bye-Laws

UCEM was founded in 1919, incorporated by Royal Charter (RC000125) on 22 August 1922 and has been a registered independent charitable institution (Registered Charity Number 313223) in England and Wales since 24 May 1963.

The purposes of the institution are outlined in the Royal Charter and Bye-Laws.


The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall governance, monitoring and strategic direction of UCEM. The Terms of Reference detail the remit of the board, including the primary statement of responsibilities, and the UCEM Regulations govern how the board functions and all trustees are expected to adhere to the The Seven Principles of Public Life.

If you’d like to find out more, you can learn more about our Board of Trustees and read our board and sub-committee meeting minutes.


The Board of Trustees delegates some of its power to five standing sub-committees, established to consider in detail various issues on its behalf.

The Audit Committee

This is an independent sub-committee whose remit is to review the adequacy and effectiveness of the institution’s system of audit related to financial reporting, internal control and risk management. This committee adheres to The Audit Committee Terms of Reference.

Academic Assurance Committee

This sub-committee acts as the advisory body for all aspects of UCEM’s academic delivery. Its primary responsibility is to be the final auditor of all UCEM’s academic review. This committee adheres to the Academic Assurance Committee Terms of Reference.

The Finance Committee

This committee is responsible for monitoring and oversight of the financial results against the plan for the current year, the forecast of results for the following year, the cash position and the performance of investments. This committee adheres to The Finance Committee Terms of Reference.

The Nominations and Governance Committee

This committee considers and recommends all prospective appointments to the Board of Trustees having assessed the type of skills and experience deemed necessary for it to function as effectively as possible. This committee adheres to The Nominations and Governance Committee Terms of Reference.

The Remuneration Committee

This committee meets annually, or as required, to consider the remuneration package for the Principal, the senior leadership team and all other staff. This committee adheres to The Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference.


UCEM, as a registered higher education provider with the Office fo Students and a registered charity, works to ensure value for money for all students through its activities. We publish an annual Value for Money Statement which provides information on UCEM’s income and expenditure.

UCEM Value for Money Statement 2017-18

UCEM Value for Money Statement 2018-19

UCEM Value for Money Statement 2019-20

UCEM Value for Money Statement 2020-21

UCEM Value for Money Statement 2021-22

UCEM Value for Money Statement 2022-23


UCEM is committed to advancing information governance and compliance, ensuring that the services provided comply with data protection, freedom of information, records management, copyright and information security regulations and best practice. Further information can be found on the Freedom of Information page.


It is the policy of UCEM that all trustees must keep to an absolute minimum all unavoidable conflicts of interest between the interests of UCEM and the personal, professional and business interests of the trustee concerns and of persons connected with them on the other. You can find out more in our Conflicts of Interest Policy and the Register of Interests for our current Board of Trustees.