

The practice of reducing waste generation by making conscious choices to minimize the consumption of products with excessive packaging, single-use items, or materials that are difficult to recycle or dispose…

Public Transportation

Public Transportation

A system of shared transportation, typically involving buses, trains, trams, subways, and ferries, that is available for use by the general public, offering an alternative to private vehicle use and…

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting

The collection and storage of rainwater from rooftops, surfaces, or catchment areas, typically for later use in irrigation, toilet flushing, or other non-potable applications, reducing the demand for freshwater resources.



The process of converting waste materials into new products or raw materials, often involving the collection, sorting, processing, and reprocessing of materials, reducing the need for virgin resources and diverting…

Regenerative Design

Regenerative Design

A design approach that seeks to restore, renew, and revitalize ecosystems and communities, going beyond sustainability to actively contribute to the improvement and resilience of natural and social systems.

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Energy derived from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight (solar energy), wind, water (hydropower), geothermal heat, and biomass, offering sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas…

Resilient Design

Resilient Design

The design and planning of systems, structures, and communities to withstand and recover from natural disasters, climate change impacts, and other disturbances, while maintaining functionality, safety, and adaptability.

Responsible Consumption

Responsible Consumption

The practice of making conscious and sustainable choices in the acquisition, use, and disposal of goods and services, considering the environmental, social, and economic impacts throughout the product life cycle.



The practice of using an item or material multiple times or for a different purpose before discarding or recycling, extending its lifespan, reducing waste generation, and conserving resources.

Smart Grid

Smart Grid

An advanced electricity distribution network that uses digital technologies, sensors, and automation to monitor and control electricity flow, optimize efficiency, accommodate renewable energy integration, and enable demand-side management.

Smart Growth

Smart Growth

An urban planning and development approach that promotes compact, walkable, and mixed-use communities, emphasizing sustainable transportation options, affordable housing, green spaces, and community engagement.

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, balancing economic, social, and environmental dimensions for long-term well-being.