Share your story!

Get involved

If you are part of any of the under-represented groups, we would love to hear your story.

The purpose of Be Part of the Change is to give voice to your experience and to highlight your success stories.

We hope that by amplifying your journey, we can inspire more under-represented people into the built environment and change the face of the sector.

Contributor’s questionnaire

This questionnaire is published and managed by UCEM as a part of the ‘Be part of the change’. Participation in the survey is optional.

It is important you read and understand how we will be managing your data before completing and submitting the questionnaire below.

Privacy Notice

This questionnaire includes contact information and data that is defined as sensitive in the UK Data Protection Act. We will not share any personal information supplied by you in the questionnaire with any third party.

What UCEM will do with this information

Stage one:

Data captured in this questionnaire will be used to gain an understanding of the experiences of under-represented students and alumni in the built environment. It will also inform us how you wish to engage further with us.

Stage two:

Data captured during this questionnaire may be used to build collateral and case studies for ’Be Part of the Change’ . Prior to using your story, we will seek further consent for how we have represented your information and your permission for where it will be used. At this stage we will confirm your connection to UCEM.

Data Storage

It will be stored securely on UCEM systems which are hosted in the UK and the EU and any identifiable personal data will be deleted when the ‘Be part of the change’ campaign is complete. The UCEM Data Protection Policy can be found here. If you have any queries about this survey then please email