Professor Lee has an extensive academic career spanning over 25 years. After successfully completing her PhD with no corrections in 2002, she now has a Chair in Process and Performance Management in Construction.
She has previously held Associate Dean roles in: Research; International; Enterprise; and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI); and Head of Department roles at the Universities of Salford and Huddersfield. She joined UCEM in April 2022 to support the growth and development of research, including research degrees.
She has published over 300 journal and conference publications based on her research, including 6 books, and has managed numerous externally funded research projects to successful completion.
Professor Lee is currently the External Assessor of the Department of Building Surveying, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Angela has been appointed as an Honorary Research Professor at the University of Salford since 2023.
Angela has been an external examiner for the MSc Engineering Project Management programme at Manchester Metropolitan University since 2024.
She was formally the External Examiner for the BSc (Hons) Architectural Engineering programme at the British University of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt; and for the BSc (Hons) Construction Engineering Management and BSc (Hons) Architectural, Engineering and Design Management programmes at Loughborough University.

Professor Lee has previously taught a range of subjects at HND, BSc and MSc levels, including:
- Lean construction
- Design studio
- Multidisciplinary project
- Architectural design
Professor Lee’s research interest lies in performance management, process management and design management within the built environment domain.
She has led or been involved with several successful externally funded research projects. Selected recent projects include:
- Automated Solutions for Sustainable and Circular Construction and Demolition Waste Management (RECONMATIC). Total value 8,500,000 Euros, (UK partner award 750,000 Euros), Horizon Europe. Consortium of 23 partners spanning 7 countries.
- Visiting Professor, Royal Academy of Engineering £30,000
- KTP (Knowledge Transfer Partnership) fund with McAvoys £125,524
Professor Lee was formally the Director of a University Spin Out company, The Protocol Lab Ltd, which over a period of 12 years, provided consultancy services and developed IT solutions for Sellafield, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Urban Splash and ASVB (Netherlands) to name but a few.
Nawi, M.N.M, Bakeri, N.M., Omar, M.F., Tahir, M.Z., Mohd-Danuri, M.S. and Lee, Angela (2022) A Multistage Methodology Approach for Constraints Prioritisation of Facility Layout Problem (FLP) in Enhancing the Performance of Building Energy Efficiency. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 28 (2). pp. 199-210. ISSN 2462-1943
Ferriz-Papi, J. A., Whitehead, N., Weekes, E. and Lee, Angela (2022) A cost-effective recycled aggregates classification procedure for construction and demolition waste evaluation. Construction and Building Materials, 324. pp. 1-11.
Alhawamdeh, M. and Lee, Angela (2021) Construction Waste Minimization: A Narrative Review. The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 8 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 2325-1077
Alhawamdeh, M. and Lee, Angela (2021) A Behavioral Framework for Construction Waste Minimization: The Case of Jordan. The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 17 (2). pp. 9-32. ISSN 2325-1077
Lou, E.C.W., Lee, Angela and Lim, Y.M. (2021) Stakeholder preference mapping: the case for built heritage of Georgetown, Malaysia. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 12 (3). pp. 291-308. ISSN 2044-1266
Caan, F and Lee, Angela (2023) Celebrity Fashion Marketing: Developing a Human Fashion Brand. Routledge, UK. ISBN 9781032007359
Dean, K, Trillo, C and Lee, Angela (2022) Sustainable Urban Regeneration: Insights and Evaluation from a UK Housing Association. Routledge. ISBN 9780367490003
- Cann, F. & Lee, A. (2022) Celebrity Fashion Marketing. Taylor & Francis – awaiting publication date
- Dean, K., Trillo, C. & Lee, A. (2022) Sustainable Urban Regeneration: Insights and Evaluation from a UK Housing Association. Routledge.
- Aouad, G., Wu, S. Lee, A. & Onyenobi, T. (2012) Computer Aided Design Guide for Architecture, Engineering & Construction. Spon Press, London.
- Barrett, P. S., Sexton, M. S. & Lee, A. (2008) Innovation in Small Construction Firms, Spon Press, London.
- Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2007) Editors. Constructing the Future: nD Modelling, Taylor & Francis, India.
- Cooper, R., Aouad, G., Lee, A., Wu, S., Kagioglou, M. & Fleming, A. (2005) Process Management in Design and Construction. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A. & Arif, M. (2011) An Integration Team Approach to Improve Sustainability in the IBS Malaysian Construction Project, in Hamid, Z.A. et al., (Eds.) IBS Definition, Concept and Issues, pp. 97-104.
- Aouad, G., Wu, S. & Lee, A. (2009) The Construction Game. In Shen, G. Q., Brandon, P. & Baldwin, A. Collaborative Construction Information Management, Spon Press, Oxon.
- Fleming, A., Lee, A. & Kagioglou, M.(2009) Disaster Management and Reconstruction Process Protocol: Consultative Guide. RICS. ISBN 978-1-84219-497-3. Feature article in RICS Business publication and in Building Magazine.
- Fleming. A., Lee. A., Alexander, K., (2008) Towards a Process Protocol for Facilities Management in ‘Facilities Management Processes’, EuroFM Monograph, June 2008.
- Lee, A., Aouad, G. & Wu. S. (2008) nD Modelling Demystified. In Bártolo, P., Alves, N. & Bártolo, H. (Editors) Computer-integrated architecture and construction. Nova, Portugal. In preparation.
- Aouad, G., Wu, S. & Lee, A. (2008) nD Modelling: Present & Future. In Brandon, P. B. (Editor) Virtual Futures. Blackwells.
- Lee, A. & Barrett, P. S. (2008) Construction is Good! In Barrett, P. S. (Editor) Revaluing Construction. Blackwells, Singapore.
- Barrett, P. S. & Lee, A. (2008) Need for Change. In Barrett, P. S. (Editor) Revaluing Construction. Blackwells, Singapore.
- Lee, A. & Barrett, P. S. (2008) Results of Postal Survey of Five Countries. Appendix 3 and 4. In Barrett, P. S. (Editor) Revaluing Construction. Blackwells, Singapore.
- Osaji, E. E., Hudson, J., Chynoweth, P. & Lee, A. (2007) The Spheroidal Form in Architectural Morphology. In Okewole, A., Daramola, A., Ajayi, A., Odusami, K., Ogunba, O. & Atayero, A. (Editors) 2006) The Built Environment: Innovation Policy & Sustainable Development, Nigeria, 528-537.
- Lee, A., Wu. S. & Aouad, G. (2007) nD Modelling: Aims and Objectives. In Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. Editors. Constructing the Future: nD Modelling, Taylor & Francis, India.
- Aouad, G., Lee, A., Wu, S. Lee, J., Nadim, W., Tah, J. & Cooper, R. (2007) Designing Fit-For-Purpose Schools: the nD Game. In Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. 7 Editors. Constructing the Future: nD Modelling, Taylor & Francis, India.
- Lee, A., Wu. S. & Aouad, G. (2007) nD Modelling: Where Next? In Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. 7 Editors. Constructing the Future: nD Modelling, Taylor & Francis, India.
- Kagioglou, M. Aouad, G. Wu, S. Lee, A. Fleming, A. and Cooper, R. (2005) Process Management for Concurrent Life Cycle Design and Construction. In Anumba, C. J., Cutting-Decelle, A. F. and Kamara, J. M. (Editors) Concurrent Life Cycle Design and Construction
- Cooper, R., Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2004) Process and Product Modelling. In Morris, P. W. G. & Pinto, J. K. Editors. The Wiley Guide to Managing Projects, Wiley, New Jersey, 471-497.
- Fleming, A. J., Lee, A., Kagioglou, M. (2009) Disaster Management & Reconstruction Process Protocol, RICS, London.
- Fleming, A. J., Lee, A. & Alexander, K. (2008) Towards a Process Protocol for FM. EuroFM Monograph: Facilities Management Processes. Netherlands, 44-55.
- Barrett, P. S. & Lee, A. (2005) Revaluing Construction: A CIB Priority Theme. CIB, Salford.
- Lee, A, Wu, S., Aouad, G., Abbott, C., Marshall-Ponting, A., Cooper, R. & Tah, J. (2005) nD Modelling Roadmap: A Vision for nD-enabled Construction. Centre for Construction Innovation, Salford.
- Barrett, P. S. & Lee, A. (2004) Revaluing Construction: International Survey Questionnaire Reports. CIB, The Netherlands.
- Lee, A. & Barrett, P. S. (2003) Performance-Based Building: 1st International State of the Art Report. CIB report no. 291, The Netherlands.
- Lee, A., Marshall-Ponting, A. J., Aouad, G., Wu, S., Koh, I., Fu, C., Cooper, R., Betts, M., Kagioglou, M. & Fischer, M. (2003) Developing a Vision of nD-Enabled Construction. Construct IT, Salford.
- Ahmed, V., Egbu, C., Underwood, J., Lee, A. & Chynoweth, P. (2013) 11th International Postgraduate Research Conference. 8-10th April, MediaCityUK, Salford
- Aouad, G., Wu, S. & Lee. A. (2006) nD Modelling Technology: Past, Present and Future. Guest Editorial for the Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE). May/ June, 151-153.
- Banissi, E., Sarfraz, M., Roberts, J. C., Loften, B., Ursyn, A., Burkhard, R. A., Lee, A. & Andrienko, G. (2005) Editor of the proceedings for the 9th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV05), London. IEE Computer Society
- Aouad, G., Lee. A. & Wu, S. (2005) Guest Editor: International Journal of Architectural Engineering & Design Management – Special Issue on Collaborative Working in an nD Environment, 1(2)
- Aouad, G., Lee. A. & Wu, S. (2005) Guest Editor: International Electronic Journal of IT in Construction (ITCon) – Special Issue on nD Modeling. April Edition
- Ferriz-Papi, J, A., Whitehead, N., Weekes, E. & Lee, A. (2022) A Cost-Effective Recycled Aggregates Classification Procedure for Construction & Demolition Waste Evaluation. Construction & Building Materials
- Alhawamdeh, M. and Lee, A., (2021). Construction Waste Minimization: A Narrative review. The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 2021.
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A., Moke, P. (2021) Stakeholder Preference Mapping: The Case for Built Heritage of Georgetown, Malaysia. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
- Alhawamdeh, M. and Lee, A., (2021). A Behavioural Framework in Construction Waste Minimization: The Case of Jordan. The International Journal of Environmental Sustainability, 17(2),
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A., Welfle, A.J. & Abdullahi, A. (2020) Testing the Nexus between C&D Waste Management Strategies & GHG Emission Performances: the Case of UK Student Accommodation Refurbishment Projects. Journal of Building Engineering,
- Raizi, S.R.M., Zainuddin, M., Nawi, M.N.M., Musa, S. & Lee, A. (2020) A Critical Review of Fragmentation Issues in the Construction Industry. Talent Development & Excellence, 12(2), 1510-1521.
- Cooper, J., Lee, A., K. Jones (2020) Sustainable Built Asset Management Performance Indicators and Attributes: A UK Social Housing Case Study Example. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation. 83(3), 508-522
- Aburas, M. and Lee, A. (2020). Exploring the Critical Success Factors for Effective Implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System in UK Construction Projects. Manuscript submitted for publication to the International Journal of Social Sciences and Management.
- Aburas, M. and Lee, A. (2020). Validating the Critical Success Factors for Effective Implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System in UK Construction Project. Manuscript submitted for publication to the Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
- Nawi, M. N. M., Pozin, M. A. A., Kamar, K. A. M., Lee, A. & Harun, A. N. (2019) The Global Adoption of Industralised Building System (IBS): Lessons Learned. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 6, 1272-1278
- Ji, Y., Lee, A. & Fernando, T. (2019) Dynamic Thermal Simulation of Advanced Natural Ventilation in Buildings: Current and Future Usage, UK Exemplar. Journal of Architectural Engineering & Design Management, 15(6),, C., Li, L. & Lee, A. (2019) A Practical Study on Reducing CO2 Density in Educational Buildings in North-East China. Journal of Construction Research, 1(1), 9-18., M. & Lee, A. (2019) Dementia-friendly heritage settings: a research review. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaption
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A. & Goulding, J. (2019) E-readiness in Construction (ERiC): Self-Assessment Framework for UK Small and Medium Enterprise Building Service Providers. Journal of Architectural Engineering and Design Management,
- Ji, Y., Lee, A. & Swan, W. (2019) Building Dynamic Thermal Model Calibration using the Energy House Facility at Salford. Energy & Buildings, 191, 224-234.
- Ji, Y., Lee, A. & Swan, W. (2019) Retrofit modelling of existing dwellings in the UK: the Salford Energy House case study. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 37(3), 344-360.
- Pozin, M.A.A., Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., Yaakob, M. & Hanafi, M.H. (2018) A Cause of Communication Failure in Managing Industrialized Building System (IBS) Projects: A Perspective View from Project Managers . International Journal of Technology. Volume 9(8), pp. 1523-1532
- Abdullahi, A. & Lee, A. (2018) Is the Concept of Waste Universal? Handling Building Demolition By-products in Nigeria. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., Mydin, M.A.O., Osman, W.N. & Rofie, M.K. (2018) Supply Chain Management (SCM): Disintegration Team Factors in Malaysian Industrialised Building System (IBS) Construction Projects. International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 7(1), 140-143.
- Pozin, M.A.A., Nawi, M.N.M., Azman, M.N.A.A. & Lee, A. (2017) Improving Communication in Managing Industralisd Building System (IBS) Projects: Virtual Environment. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 2(2), 1-13.
- Abdullahi, A. & Lee, A. (2017) A comparative study of sustainable end-of-life management in automobile and construction industry: A case of Kano City, Nigeria. Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology, 9(4), 40-48
- Abdullahi, A. & Lee, A. (2017) The Influences of Culture, Beliefs and Experience on the Sustainable End-of-Life Management of Buildings in Nigeria. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 7, 1793-1806
- Zendeh, E.D., Wu, S., Lee, A. & Zhou, Y. (2017) The Impact of Occupants’ Behavior’s on Building Energy Analysis: A Research Review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
- Lou, E.C. W., Lee, A. & Welfle, A. (2017) GHG Performance of Construction Refurbishment Projects: Lessons from UK Higher Education Student Accommodation Case Studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, 154, 309-317
- Nawi, M. N. M., Deraman, R., Hasmori, M. F. & Lee, A. (2016) Factors Influencing Project Delay: A Case Study of the Vale Malaysia Minerals Project (VMMP). International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 5(4), 178-184.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Mydin, M.A.O., Kamaruddeen, A.M., Lee, A. & Ibrahim, S.H. (2015) Technology Acceptance: Malaysian Industralised Building System (IBS) Case. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences. 9(7) 110-112.
- Lou, E. C. W., Lee, A., Wu, S., Swan, W. & Mathison, G. (2015) Responsible Construction? International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM), 4(4), 342-358.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Hanifa, F.A.A., Kamar, K.A.M., Lee, A. & Azman, M.N.A. (2014) Modern Method of Construction: An Experience from UK Construction Industry. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Science, 8(5) Special 2014, 527-532
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A. & Omar, M. F. (2014) A Review of Supply Chain Management Issues in Malaysian Industralised Building System (IBS) Construction Industry. Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 8(5), 533-538.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A. Azman, M.N,A. & Kamar, K.A.M. (2014) Fragmentation Issue in Malaysian Industrialised Building System (IBS) Projects. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 9(1), 97-106. ISSN 1823-4690 9(1) 1-153 (2014)
- Nawi, M.N.M., Anuar, H. S. & Lee, A. (2013) A Review of IBS Malaysian Current & Future Study. International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2(10) ISSN:2278-0181
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., Nifa, F.A.A. (2012) Improving Team Integration in Malaysian IBS Construction Projects: A Partnering Approach. Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 7(1).
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., Kamar, K.A.M. & Hamid, Z.A. (2012) Critical Success Factors for Improving Team Integration in Industralised Building System (IBS) Construction Projects: the Malaysian Case. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 10(1)
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A. & Mathison, G. (2012) Corporate Responsibility Application – UK Construction SME. International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IJEEEE), 2(5), 436-442.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., K.A.M. Kamar and Hamid, Z.A. (2011) A Critical Literature Review on The Concept of Team Integration in Industrialised Building System (IBS) Project. Malaysian Construction Research Journal (MCRJ), Vol. 9(1), 1-18.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., K.A.M. Kamar and Azman, M. A. (2011) The Experiences of Malaysian Industrialised Building System (IBS) to Enhance Constructability and Sustainability in Construction Project. Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 6(2).
- Zami, M.S. & Lee, A. (2011) Inhibitors of Adopting Stabilised Earth Construction to Address Urban Low Cost Housing Crisis – An Understanding by Construction Professionals. Journal of Building Appraisal, 6(3-4).
- Zami, M.S. & Lee, A. (2011) Widespread Adoption of Contemporary Earth Construction in Africa to Address Urban Housing Crisis. Special Issue: Building a Better Africa through Sustainable Development in the Built Environment. The Built & Human Environment Review, 4(2).
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A. & Nor, K.M. (2011), ‘Barriers to the implementation of Industrialised Building System (IBS) in Malaysia.’ The Built and Human Environment Review, Volume 4, University of Salford, United Kingdom.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A., K.A.M. Kamar & Hamid, Z.A. (2011) ‘Critical Success Factors for Improving Team Integration in Industrialised Building System (IBS) Construction Projects: The Malaysian Case Project’ The Malaysian Construction Research Journal.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2010) Widespread Adoption of Contemporary Earth Construction in Africa to Address Urban Housing Crisis. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 4,2, 85-96.
- Abukhzam, M & Lee, A. (2010) Factors Affecting Bank Staff Attitude Towards e-banking Adoption in Libya. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 42(2), 1-15.
- Abukhzam, M & Lee, A. (2010) Workforce Attitude on Technology Adoption and Diffusion. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 3, 60-71.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2010) Misunderstanding of Housing and its Influence on the Success of Low Cost Housing Projects – State of the Art Review. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 3, 1-14.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2010) Economic Benefits of Contemporary Earth Construction in Low Cost Urban Housing – State of the Art Review. Journal of Building Appraisal, 5 (3).
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) A Review of the Delphi Technique: to Understand the Factors Influencing Adoption of Stabilized Earth Construction in Low Cost Urban Housing. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 2, 37-50.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) A Review of the In-Depth Interview Technique: to Understand the Factors Influencing Adoption of Stabilized Earth Construction to Address the Low Cost Urban Housing Crisis in Zimbabwe. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 2, 25-36.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) Contemporary Earthen Architecture in Urban Bangladesh – A Solution to Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Era of Climate Change. Protibesh Journal, 13(3), July.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) A Methodological Perspective to Understand the Factors Influencing the Adoption of Stabilised Earth Construction to Address Low Cost Housing Crisis in Zimbabwe. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 40-55.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) Misunderstanding of Housing and its Influence on the Success of Housing Projects. Protibesh Journal, 13(1), Bangladesh.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) Earth Construction for Low-Cost Housing in Africa – An Energy Solution to Climate Change. Archnet-IJAR, International Journal of Architectural Research, 3(2), July.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) Use of Stabilised Earth in the Construction of Low Cost Sustainable Housing in Africa – an Energy Solution in the Era of Climate Change. Open House International.
- Fleming. A., Lee. A., Alexander, K., (2008) Towards a Process Protocol for Facilities Management in EuroFm Conference proceedings, Manchester.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2008) Using Earth as a Building Material for Sustainable Low Cost Housing in Zimbabwe. The Built & Human Environment Review: International Journal Dedicated to Postgraduate Research, 1, 40-55.
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Tah, J. M. H. & Aouad, G. (2007) The Use of a Multi-Attribute Tool for Evaluating Accessibility in Buildings: the AHP Approach. Facilities, 25(9/10). 375-389.
- Lee, A. & Sexton, M. G. (2006) nD Modelling: Industry Uptake Considerations. Journal of Construction Innovation, 7(3), 288-302.
- Lee, A. & Barrett, P. S. (2006) Value in Construction: An International Study. International Journal of Construction Management, 6(2), 81-95.
- Fu, C., Aouad, G., Lee, A., Marshall-Ponting, A., Wu, S. (2006) IFC Model Viewer to Support nD Model Application. Automation in Construction, 15(2), 178-185.
- Lee, A., Wu, S., Aouad, G., Cooper, R., Tah, J. H. M. & Marshall-Ponting, A. (2005) A Roadmap for nD-Enabled Construction. RICS Paper Series, 6(2), May.
- Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2005) nD Modelling in Construction: An Integrated Approach. Journal of Architectural Engineering & Design Management, 1(1), 33-44.
- Lee, A., Wu, S., Marshall-Ponting, A., Aouad, G., Tah, J. H. M. & Cooper, R. (2005) nD Modeling – A Driver or Enabler for Construction Improvement? RICS Paper Series, 5(6), April.
- Tah, J. H. M., Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2004) Conceptual Information Modeling for Risk Analysis and Management in an nD-Modeling Environment. Journal of Construction Procurement, 10(1), 28-37.
- Fu, C., Aouad, G., Marshall-Ponting, A., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2004) IFC Implementation in Lifecycle Costing. Journal of the Harbin Institute of Technology, English Edition 4(11), 437-441.
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Koh, W. W. I., Aouad, G. & Fu, C. (2004) An IFC-based Space Analysis for Accessibility Layout for all Users. Construction Innovation, 4, 129-141
- Wu, S., Kagioglou, M., Aouad, G., Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Fleming, A. (2003) A Project Knowledge Management Tool for the Construction Industry. International Journal of IT in Architecture, Engineering & Construction, 2(2), 79-90.
- Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Aouad, G. (2000) Production Management: The Process Protocol Approach. Journal of Construction Procurement, 6(2), 164-183
- Lee, A., Aouad, G., Wu, S. & Fu, C. (2004) nD Modelling in Construction – Buzzword or Reality? In Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction Information Technology (INCITE) conference, Malaysia. Keynote address for Professor Ghassan AouadLee,
- A., Betts, M., Aouad, G., Cooper, R., Wu, S. & Underwood, J. (2002) Developing a Vision for an nD Modelling Tool. In Proceedings of CIB W78 Conference – Distributing Knowledge in Building, Åarhus, Denmark, 141-148. Keynote address for Professor Martin Betts
- Alhawamdeh, M. and Lee, A., (2019). Application of construction waste minimisation approaches at the design stage: A systematic review. International Conference on Innovation, Technology, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (ICITEE): Applied Science University, Bahrain.
- Alhawamdeh, M. and Lee, A., (2019). Application of construction waste minimisation approaches at the construction stage: A systematic review. 14th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC 2019), Built Environment at The University of Salford, UK.
- Aburas, M. and Lee, A. (2019). A Literature Review Exploring the Critical Success Factors for the Effective Implementation of the ISO 9001 Quality Management System in Construction Projects. 14th International Postgraduate Research Conference in The Built Environment (IPGRC): Contemporary and Future Directions in the Built Environment 16–17 December 2019. The University of Salford, UK.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Pozin, M.A.A., Kamar, K.A.M., Lee, A. & Harun, A.N. (2017) Industralised Building System (IBS) Global Adoption: Lessons Learned. FEIIC-International Conference on Engineering Education & Research, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 16-18th December
- Abdullahi, A.L. & Lee, A. (2015) Looking Inwards for Sustainability: Nigerian Cities and Building Demolition-waste or wealth? The 55th Annual General Assembly and Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Architects. Abuja Nigeria, 18th – 21st November
- Nawi, M.N.M., Lee, A. & Omar, M.F. (2014) A Review of Supply Chain Management Issues in Malaysian Industrialised Building System Construction Industry. International Conference on Business, Science & Technology, Thailand.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Hanifa, F.A.A., Kamar, K.A.M., Lee, A. & Azman, M.N.A. (2014) Modern Method of Construction: An Experience from UK Construction Industry. International Conference on Business, Science & Technology, Thailand.
- Dean, K. & Lee, A. (2013) The History of Urban Regeneration in the United Kingdom: A Case Study Example Showing the Lack, and Subsequent Need of a Generic Measurement Framework. In Proceedings of the 11th International Postgraduate Conference, 8-10th April, University of Salford, Salford.
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A., Wu, S. & Swan, W. (2012) Application of Corporate Responsibility in Construction SME. 5th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Berlin, Germany.
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A., Wu, S., Swan, W. & Mathison, G. (2012) “Relavance of Corporate Responsibility in UK Construction”, 1st International Conference on Innovation for Sustainability (IS2012), Lusiada University, Porto, Portugal.
- Nawi, M.N.M. & Lee, A. (2012), A Review of Fragmentation that affects the Implementation of Industrialised Building System (IBS) in Malaysian Construction Industry. Submitted to the Global Business Management Conference, Cardiff UK, July 16.
- Lee, A., Lou, E. C. W., Wu, S. & Swan, W. (2012) Application of Corporate Responsibility in a Construction SME. 7th International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering & Construction. 15-17th August, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A. & Mathison, G. (2012), “Corporate Responsibility: Insight from a Construction Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) in the UK”, International Conference on Economics, Business and Marketing Management Conference 2012, IACSIT Press, Singapore, 23-28.
- Lou, E.C.W., Lee, A. & Mathison, G. (2011), Recapitulation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Construction SMEs in the UK. In: Egbu, C and Lou, E C W (Eds.), Proceedings 27th Annual ARCOM Conference, 5-7 September 2011, Bristol, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 673–82.
- Ruzinskaite, J. & Lee, A. (2010) The Development of an Evaluative Framework for Place Branding. In proceedings of the CIB World Congress, 10-13th May, Salford Quays, Salford.
- Nawi, M.N.M. & Lee, A. (2010), “Improving Team Integration In Malaysian IBS Construction Projects,” Proceedings In 4th International Conference On Built Environment In Developing Countries (ICBEDC 2010), 1st – 2nd December, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
- Nawi, M. N. M., Lee, A. & Arif, M. (2010) The IBS Barriers in the Malaysian Construction Industry: A Study in Construction Supply Chain Perspective. In proceedings of the CIB World Congress, 10-13th May, Salford Quays, Salford.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee. A. (2010) Influence of Contemporary Earthen Architecture on Environmental Sustainability in the United Kingdom. In proceedings of the CIB World Congress, 10-13th May, Salford Quays, Salford.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee. A. (2010) Inhibitors Influencing the Adoption of Contemporary Earth Construction in the United Kingdom – State of the Art Review. In proceedings of the CIB World Congress, 10-13th May, Salford Quays, Salford.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee. A. (2010) Stabilised or Un-Stabilised Earth Construction for Contemporary Urban Housing? In proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Responsive ‘Green’ Manufacturing, Ningbo, China, 11-13th January.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Kamar, K.A.M., Abdullah, M.R., Haron, A.T., Lee, A. & Arif, M. (2009) Enhancement of Constructability Concept: An Experience in Offsite Malaysia Construction Industry. In proceedings in Changing Roles: New Roles, New Challenges Conference, TU Delft, Netherlands, 5-9th October.
- Nawi, M.N.M., Arif, M. & Lee, A. (2009), ‘Collaboration among Project Participants towards Sustainable Construction: A Study of IBS in the Malaysian Construction Industry,’ Proceedings in 2nd Construction Industry Research Achievement International Conference (CIRIAC 2009), CIDB, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3rd – 5th November 2009.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2009) Contemporary Earth Construction in Housing – Stabilised or Unstabilised? In proceedings of the ISA International Housing Conference on Housing and the Credit Crunch: International Experiences and Responses, Glasgow, September 1st – 4th.
- Nawi, M. N. M. & Lee, A. (2009) A Study of Supply Chain Management in the Malaysian Construction Industry. In Proceedings of the 9th International Postgraduate Conference, 29th-30th January, University of Salford, Salford, 418-426.
- Alkabashi, O., Wu, S. & Lee, A. (2009) Review of ICT Implementation in Education in Developing Countries: A Libya Case. In Proceedings of the 9th International Postgraduate Conference, 29th-30th January, University of Salford, Salford, 461-470.
- Abukhzam, M. & Lee, A. (2009) E-banking Technology as a Technological Innovation in Banking: Advantages and Disadvantages. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference, University of Salford.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2008) Use of Stabilised Earth in the Construction of Low Cost Sustainable Housing in Africa – an Energy Solution in the Era of Climate Change. Rwanda
- Abukhzam, M. & Lee, A. (2008) Factors Influencing Adoption and Diffusion of e-Banking Technology in Arabic Countries. In Proceedings of the 8th International Postgraduate Conference, 26th-27th June, Czech Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic, 125-134.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2008) Forgotten Dimensions of Low Cost Housing Crisis in Zimbabwe. In Proceedings of the 8th International Postgraduate Conference, 26th-27th June, Czech Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic, 274-288.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2008) Constraints of Implementation of Stabilized Earth Construction in Zimbabwe – some Sustainable Solutions. In Proceedings of the 8th International Postgraduate Conference, 26th-27th June, Czech Technical University of Prague, Czech Republic, 377-388.
- Fleming, A. J., Lee, A. & Brandon, P. S. (2007) A Process Protocol for Disaster Management & Reconstruction. In proceedings of the International Disaster Reconstruction Conference, August, Harbin, P.R. China.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2007) The Influence of Housing Standards in the Development of Low Cost Sustainable Housing in Zimbabwe. In Proceedings of the 7th International Postgraduate Conference, 28-29th March, Salford, UK, 335-344.
- Zami, M. S. & Lee, A. (2007) Earth as an Alternative Building Material for Sustainable Low Cost Housing in Zimbabwe. In Proceedings of the 7th International Postgraduate Conference, 28-29th March, Salford, UK, 366-377.
- Lee, J., Aouad, G. & Lee, A. (2007) Development of nD Game as an Educational Instrument. In Proceedings of the 7th International Postgraduate Conference, 29th March, Salford, UK.
- Lee, J., Aouad, G. & Lee, A. (2007) Development of nD Game as an Educational means for Introducing Pupils into the Construction Industry. In Proceedings of the 24th W78 Conference Maribor 2007 & 5th ITCEDU Workshop & 14th EG-ICE Workshop, 26.-29th July, Maribor, Slovenia.
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Aouad, G., Fu, C., Cooper, R. & Tah, J. (2006) Collaboration with China: International Study Tour to Key Chinese Institutions. In Proceedings of the 3rd International SCRI symposium, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Lee, A., Shanmugam, M. & Elvitigala, G. (2006) Construction and Women: A Review of the Barriers, Proceedings of 3rd International SCRI Research Symposium, Delft University of Technology and TNO, Delft University, Netherlands, April.
- Osaji, E. E., Hudson, J., Chynoweth, P. & Lee, A. (2005) The Importance of 3D to nD Modelling in the Development of the Integrated Design and Construction Process: Comparative Study Exploration of the Energy Efficiency of a Spheroidal Tall Office Building. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Development, June, Nigeria.
- Lee, J., Aouad, G. & Lee, A. (2005) The Development of nD Game as an Integrated Building Information Model. In Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 2nd International Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment, 17 November, Glasgow, UK
- Sexton, M., Barrett, P. & Lee, A. (2005) The Relationship between Performance-Based Building and Innovation: an Evolutionary Approach. In Proceedings of the 11th Joint CIB International Symposium on Combining Forces: Advancing Facilities Management and Construction through Innovation, Helsinki, Abstract 352-353
- Lee, J., Aouad, G. & Lee, A. (2005) The Development of an Integrated Building Information Model: nD Game. In Proceedings of the 5th International Postgraduate Research Conference, Salford, 240-248
- Lee, A., Wu, S., Aouad, G. & Barrett, P. (2005) Integrating nD Modeling and Performance-Based Building. In Proceedings of AEC2005, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Aouad, G. & Tah, J. H. M. (2004) A Multiple Criteria Decision Model for Accessibility Assessment. In abstract guide of the Clients Driving Innovation: International Conference, Australia, 76**
- Lee, A., Barrett, P., Aouad, G. & Wu, S. (2004) nD Modelling – a Solution for Performance-Based Building? In Proceedings of the 1st International SCRI symposium, Salford, 213-224**
- Tah, J. H. M., Aouad, G., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2004) Towards Risk Analysis and Management in an nD Modelling Environment. In Proceedings of the 1st International SCRI symposium, Salford, 246-256
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Koh, W. W. I., Aouad, G. & Tah, J. H. M. (2004) Computer-Aided Support for Accessible Building Layouts. In Proceedings of the 1st International SCRI symposium, Salford, 301-310
- Fu, C., Aouad, G., Marshall-Ponting, A., Lee, A. & Wu, S. (2003) IFC Implementation in Lifecycle Costing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, Harbin, China
- Lee, A., Wu, S., Aouad, G. & Fu, C. (2003) Incorporating Crime Deterrent Knowledge into an nD Model. In Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, Madeira Island, Portugal **
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Aouad, G. & Fu, C. (2003) Web Services for Crime Deterrent Design Knowledge. In Proceedings of the CIB W78 International Conference on Construction IT: Bridging the Distance, Information Technology for Construction, Waiheke Island, New Zealand, 23-25th April, 456-462. **
- Kagioglou, M., Wu, S., Aouad, G., Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Fleming, A. (2003) An IT Tool for Managing the Product Development Process. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of the Group for Lean Construction (IGLC11), Blacksburg, Virginia, 484-495.
- Lee, A., Wu, S., Aouad, G. & Fu, C. (2002) Towards nD Modelling. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Information and Communication Technology Advances and Innovation in the Knowledge Society (Esm@rt), Salford **
- Kagioglou, M., Lee, A., Cooper, R., Carmichael, S. & Aouad, G. (2002) Mapping the Construction Process: A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Lean Construction (IGLC10), Gramado, Brazil, 6-8th August
- Kagioglou, M., Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Aouad, G. (2002) Reducing Waste Using a Web-Based IT System; A Case Study. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Lean Construction (IGLC10), Gramado, Brazil, 6-8th August
- Marshall-Ponting, A. J., Lee, A., Betts, M., Aouad, G., Cooper, R. & Sexton, M. (2002) Information Technology Support to Improved Construction Processes: Inter-disciplinarity in Research and Practice. In Proceedings of the Advances in Building Technology Conference, 4th-6th December, Hong Kong
- Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Aouad, G. (2000) Do Construction Based Document Management Systems Reduce the Cost of Posting and Printing Project Documents? In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Post Graduate Research in the Built and Human Environment, University of Salford, Salford, 71-81 **
- Wu, S., Lee, A., Aouad, G. & Cooper, R. (2000) Process Protocol Toolkit; An IT Solution for the Process Protocol. In Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Related Industries (ECPPM), Lisbon, Portugal, 193-199 **
- Fleming, A., Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Aouad, G. (2000) Development of a Process Mapping Methodology for the Process Protocol Level 2. In Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Related Industries (ECPPM), Lisbon, Portugal, 187-192 **
- Lee, A., Wu, S., Aouad, G. & Cooper, R. (2000) The Process Protocol, A Solution for the Problems of Construction. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference Promoting Business Ethics, New York, USA, 101-108 **
- Lee, A., Cooper, R. & Aouad, G. (2000) A Methodology for Designing Performance Measures for the UK Construction Industry. In Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Post Graduate Research in the Built and Human Environment, University of Salford, Salford, 30-41 (received prize for best presentation) **
- Nelson, M. M., Lee, A., Cooper, R., Kagioglou, M. & Fleming, A. (1999) Process Re-engineering in the Construction Industry – Buzzword or Reality? In Proceedings of the COBRA 1999 Conference, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Salford, 225-234. **
- Lee, A., Carmichael, S., McDermott, P. & Cooper, R. (2005) Project Process Mapping: the Britannia Walk Case. European Case Study Clearing House. Case number 604-067-1/8
- Lee, A., Carmichael, S., McDermott, P. & Cooper, R. (2005) Project Process Mapping: the Britannia Walk Case – Teaching Note. European Case Study Clearing House. Case number 604-067-1/8
- Lee, A., McDermott, P. & Cooper, R. (2005) Measuring the Benefits of Implementing a Document Management System for Construction Project Data Exchange. European Case Study Clearing House. Case number 904-055-1/8
- Lee, A., McDermott, P. & Cooper, R. (2005) Measuring the Benefits of Implementing a Document Management System for Construction Project Data Exchange – Teaching Note. European Case Study Clearing House. Case number 904-055-1/8