Jon Hubert is a lifelong learner, via industry and academia, over four decades on two continents.
Jon left school with 2 ‘A’ Levels and worked in the private sector for 26 years, providing technical training and support services in the IT sector. He embarked on a career change in 2008, enrolling at the University of West London (UWL) to read for a degree in Architectural Technology. Graduating with a First, UWL invited Jon to learn and teach as a contract lecturer in the built environment; that induction led to a role at UCEM, beginning 2015.
Jon has held various teaching positions at UCEM, from Programme Leader for Building Surveying and now Building Control, to managing the delivery of student project modules at both UG and PG. Alongside these duties, Jon continues his pursuit of knowledge by means of a PhD programme at the University of Portsmouth on the evaluation of building performance.

Jon’s teaching experience ranges across the built environment field, from Management of Health and Safety, to Design and Environmental Science, and Research Methods for degree dissertations.
The interactions between people and their environments are key to Jon’s research focus. Adaptive comfort ranges and climate change variations in the 21st century form the main tenet of Jon’s research studies towards a doctoral thesis at the University of Portsmouth.
The capability of UK domestic dwellings to withstand the effects of climate change is investigated, using dynamic simulation modelling to create virtual environments based on the original four Representative Concentration Pathways specified by the IPCC.
Jon spent a year as a trainee surveyor in the early 1980’s, but then moved on to work in the IT sector, using RAMIS 4GL for database maintenance operations, and subsequently programming, installing and training end users on systems in the hospitality industry.
While this background may seem tangential to built environment studies, as a 25-year apprenticeship in working with people, understanding their motivations and attitudes to change, it would be hard to beat!
- Hubert, J. and B-Jahromi, A. (2014) Style over substance: The homeowner’s dilemma – spend on appearance, or energy reduction? 14th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2014), Sharjah, UAE, 16-18 November 2014.
- Hubert, J. and B-Jahromi, A. An Evaluation of Environmental Assessment Methods. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), Yan Tai, China, 25-27 May 2012.
- Hubert, J., Sanders, C. and B-Jahromi, A. Evaluation of sustainable means of disposal for UK construction waste. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM 2012), Yan Tai, China, 25-27 May 2012.
- Hubert, J., Edwards, T. and B-Jahromi, A. (2012) Comparative study of sustainable drainage systems. Proceedings of the ICE – Engineering Sustainability, Vol. 166(3), Nov.2012, pp. 138-149.